Sierra Mackenzie

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Faces Winner & Edit Photo Challenge

Thank you to everyone who entered the *Faces* Photo Challenge~! All your photos were absolutely wonderful <3
Congratulations to Miss Raquel, the Faces Photo Challenge winner! I cannot even begin to describe how I absolutely love everything about this photo. I love the focus... the angle... the suggestion of a breeze playing with her hair... and the sense of absolute peace.

And of course the type-writer;) Congratulations, dear! <3 Fantastic work! :)

I received a request to do another nature or music photo challenge...
but I think, instead of focusing on that one particular object, this one is going to be
Photo Edit

This one should be interesting. You can enter anything you want, and you can edit it in any way you choose. For this one, along with the final product, show the before and after. It can be as simple as a color adjust and watermark, or as elaborate as cross-editing.

For example, I've entered this in a photo challenge before (and I think it's one of my favorite edited photos so far:):


Each photo must link back to ~His Handmaiden~
The photo must be taken by you.
You do not need to have a blog to enter; a flickr or facebook link is fine.
Absolutely no inappropriate links/entries, or else your entry will be deleted.
The photo challenge will end on March 13th, and the winner will be announced next photo challenge.

I'll be posting my top picks {or all of them, depending on how many entries I get} and will leave a poll on the sidebar so y'all can pick, too... Can't wait to see what y'all come up with:-)
Have fun!
