Sierra Mackenzie

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>>Edit Photo Challenge Finalists

The finalists from my *Edit* Photo Challenge.
Oh, my goodness. There is some serious talent out there... very neat, very versatile=) 'Twas sooo hard to pick seven favorites (I've never had to before).  I couldn't believe how many entries I receieved... and have you checked my sidebar lately? I've reached 100 followers?!? Y'all are amazing. Seventeen may not seem like many entries, 100 followers compared to the rest of the blogger world may seem like few; and this may sound cliche, but I never, ever dreamed my little blog would get this far... praise G-d! I'm still in such high joy!
To celebrate and thank you, be looking for a giveaway coming within the next few weeks:-)

Without further ado, here are the finalists to my *Edit* Photo Challenge.

By Sadie over at  Moments in Time

By Carli-Nicole over at Reflections

By Kaylee Beth over at Raining Daisies

By Maya over at Efflorescence

By Emily over at Emily Sacra

By Nela over at Beloved Star

By Kelsey over at A Ray of Sunshine

Congratulations! The polls are on the sidebar:) I would encourage you to go vote for your favorites=) The winner will be announced next photo challenge.. I'm thinking... animals{but then again I'm subject to change:)}? What do you think it should be? Leave your suggestions in the comment section and I might pick it for the next challenge...

Joy, my friends <3