Sierra Mackenzie

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Security in Our Source {And Beautiful Blessings}

My pastor is doing a twenty-five week study of James... almost like a Bible Study {except you don't get to talk about your thoughts, except in one's own family-- but let me tell you, that is such a blessing to be able to do}.

Some of you know, my Marmee works weekends. Last year, my dad, who was not a big church-goer at the time, just dropped my sisters and I off at the front door and went back home.
Now he's working Saturday nights.
And I don't know what clicked in him, but,
Praise G-d,
he has been taking us to church and staying.
Friends... I'm sure you know why that is so important to me. My daddy is actually listening,
and following through on it. He's trying His very best to implement more family discussions, more after-dinner family devotions, etc. It's not that he wasn't trying to do those things before, but it's more different at this point in time.

Ah, I am *so* blessed.
*big smile*


My blogoversary was February 10th. Thanks for sticking with me the past two years- can't wait for this third year of blogging! I am so wonderfully blessed by each of you- whether I know you personally, via the world of blogger;), or have not met you yet {;)}, you are in my prayers every day.

You make me smile...with joy:-)


Lastly, since we have been studying James {which just happens to be a favorite book in the Bible of mine- again, a blessing from my Abba:)}, there have been several "revealings" that have opened.

As in, G-d is our Source.
You see, both of my parents will be working a strict schedule in March. Almost every single day. Which leaves me in charge at home.

That's a bit of an interesting thought.

And yet, while I was surrendering to G-d {and taking it back again by worrying about it}, He provided me with this:

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all He created."
-James 1:17-18

G-d supplies: Jehovah Jireh- my Provider. From Whom all things come.
Yes, some gifts are in disguise; it all counts on whether or not we see it as it truly is (Proverbs 16:23).

A question that really makes me stop and think {every time I hear it} is, How many times does G-d save our lives every day? You can take this literally, or spiritually. That split second when a car pulls in front of us, and we slam on the brakes, avoiding hitting the car- was not the brakes, it was G-d.
When I lose it with my sisters- and yet I can go to sleep that night with peace in my heart from the knowledge that I am forgiven- is Him. He gives new life.

Do we remember to thank Him?

G-d supplies- all that's good, all that's right. Typically, everything isn't, "just so." The Bible says when I lack {patience}, I may ask Him for it:

"And my G-d will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus."
-Philippians 4:19

What a gift in itself is that! Every perfect gift is from above. What could be "perfect" in our world of sin? How about the gift of true love, which casteth out fear?
-Joy~ that enthusiasm which doesn't have to rely on our current feelings.
-True peace~ long-suffering, which gives, and endures.
-G-d's kindness. With a loving, compassionate Spirit.
{The Fruit of the Spirit in general, after looking at the above list}
How about the confidence that we need, to begin desiring what is right.
How about the fact that G-d will not give up on us- no matter what the circumstance~ His strength in exchange for my weakness.

I always feel an exhilaration when waking up to the dawn.
{And how could I know the morning, if I knew not midnight? ~Nichole Nordeman} Will we be His new creations? Laying aside the old self- this is what I am to live for.

And while He changes us, He won't change. What beauty in this statement. My Abba will always be my supply. Because once we truly, truly, desire, and know G-d, we will have everything we will ever need. He is more than enough.

So- where is my confidence, my hope, my dream, my aspiration... all of us are going to lean on something or someone. The closer I draw to G-d, the more I'll fully rely on Him.

I started thinking about this.

What is this worry of mine- having my parents working so much? Can my G-d not reveal Himself to me?
Is it not a gift to me, as imperfect as it may seem now?
Is this at the moment only a piece of the big picture?
And how can I approach this coming month with joy in my heart, knowing He will supply all my needs, my worries,  according to His great riches and glory?

Psalm 16:5 tells us: “ L-rd you have assigned me my portion and my cup; You have made my lot secure.”

Am I not secure in His arms?

My little valleys are nothing when I picture Christ on the cross He went through the valley of death; His victory was satan's loss. Forgive me Lord, for complaining when I am feeling very low. Just give me a gentle reminder that it's in the valley's I grow. Continue to strengthen me, Lord and use my life each day to share Your love with others and help them find their way. Thank you for the valleys, Lord for this one thing O know the mountain tops are glorious but it's in the valleys I grow!
-Jane Eggleston

How do I ever think less.
What a beautiful blessing of His.

Article and Pictures Copyright of Sierra Brewer, 2012. If you would like to use, please contact me via email at Thank you.