Sierra Mackenzie

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{How Sweet} It Is

~I step outside. And my mind is filled with peace.
The striped, nautical-looking chair, battered though it is from over the years, is comforting.

Sitting here in the silence is wonderful.
G-d has given me true peace.

I've planned it all day.
My book is ready. My cup of tea is ready.

The puppies come out. Chester nudges my hand.
Both pounce on the garden chaise.

I stretch out, and Lilly licks the tips of my toes.
How I love puppies. They always come running to greet you.
There is no telling of your secrets. And they are so trusting.

{Entering in Melody's Photo Challenge}
I feel so blessed...
To be able to go outside in complete peace.
With the chirp of birds above me before the end of winter.

I grasp my camera to snap a few shots. 
Complete joy is captured with the click of the shutter.  

How grateful I am to be here.
"Every good and perfect thing is from G-d."

How sweet is the knowledge of His precious love enveloping me.
I feel embraced <3

And so I rest in Him.
