Sierra Mackenzie

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Hold On to Jesus~

{Please pause playlist at bottom of page}

This song has been on my heart so much lately... while we've been reading Radical (by David Platt) at TBC it's played in my mind... because yes, as Christians, Jesus tells us, "trials will come." They are inevitable. While they may not be instantly recognized as a "trial," just something that comes our way that bothers us or gives us pain, it's a "trial." Yes, they are tiny.  Sometimes. But no matter what... holding on to Jesus is the only way "out."

I've recenly been studying the book of Esther... can I share with you my concluding thoughts on this study?

What can I learn from Hadassah? How did she respond to authority? I'm noticing the repeated use of the word, "if" in her appeals.. how did she react to a life-threatening situation versus how I would react? How did she decide what to do? What wisdom did she show in her plans? Hadassah was always, humble, always submissive.

She understood the uncertainty of life. 

She reacted to her situation by oh, so much prayer! So much time on her knees. by fasting... a wise thing to learn.

Always going to keel at the foot of the cross with a trouble... knowing  no matter what happens, my Savior will sustain me, unworthy as I am. How can I emulate her patience? Her understanding of others characters, and discretion? I can be a little naive at times, which, I don't believe (personally), a godly trait. Esther was a woman of G-d's... she was after His heart, whether she saw it at the time or not. And what I love about this is that G-d's sovereign hand was always apparent, even though He is not "specifically" mentioned. His control is obvious, from the very beginning. From when He caused Hadassah to be the one called "queen"; when He softened Xerxes' heart towards her plea; and made the king stay awake to remember Mordecai.

He does the same with my life... and I trust my Abba Father... completely. He has my heart; I am captivated by His tender mercy... I don't want to leave Him, ever...


Article Copyright of Sierra Brewer, 2011. If you wish to use, kindly contact Thank you.