Sierra Mackenzie

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Making Christmas Memories {3}

1) Musik-Ness

Perfect to go with of the name of Jesus today:-)

2) Adore: Immanuel

Baby in a Manger- "Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel, which translated means, 'G-d with us.'" ~Matthew 1:23

A very long time before Jesus was born, the prophet Isaiah announced to everyone in Israel what was going to happen in Isaiah 7:14... that a virgin shall be with child. Because G-d placed Jesus inside of His mother, it was clear He would not be a normal baby... He was fully human with a body and soul; but He was perfect- without sin. He was both G-d and man. Therefore, one of His names is Immanuel, meaning, "G-d with us."

The name Immanuel given to Jesus proves that G-d does keep His promises. By coming to earth, Jesus fulfilled G-d's promise (or covenant) to be with us. Jesus came so we might understand Who G-d is, and the kind of life He wants us to live out. He slept, ate, drank, breathed, cried, and hurt just as we do. He was happy, sad, angry, and tempted as we are- yet He did not sin... not even once. He was the perfect example of how G-d wants all of us to live. But Jesus was oh, so much more than an example- He is our Savior. When I put my trust in Him, and Him alone, and know that He will truly save me, He lives in me... and makes me more and more like Him every day. Half the time I cannot see it... it's hard to understand the "mystery" - how Jesus can be both G-d and man... but we know from G-d's Word that Jesus is our Immanuel.

Hope you all have a beautiful and merry December 20th! Many blessings!
