Sierra Mackenzie

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Why a Purity Week?

~His Handmaiden~

Hello Friends,

Time has been... fleeing (shall we say) from my grasp the past couple of days. {But, Ecclesiastes 3:1} Hence the reason why I've had guest-bloggers and such kick off Purity Week.

So I suppose it's time to "kick off" Purity Week with the reason why.

A couple of months ago, G-d popped an idea into my head. My heart was especially saddened that particular week by differing issues that pop up in a culturally-centered world, not on Christ. Particularly the issue of modesty was hard on my heart. I couldn't sleep that night; I just prayed.

"G-d!" my heart cried, "I want to reach others with this issue! It's a passion!"

So. It began to happen. Several gracious guest-bloggers accepted the "mission". You'll be hearing from two more, and an interview later this week. A lovely Etsy sponsor will be sponsoring a "Purity Necklace" giveaway tomorrow. And while the linky list isn't up yet, I've added a page (see above) to the top of the blog where you can post your link (if you're linking up).

Here's what/where you can link up for Day Three- please don't feel any obligation- but it would be such fun and such a blessing to hear from others in the case. I moderate all comments, so I would ask that your comments would be G-d-honoring.

-Perhaps you can share your views on purity- how far you believe "too far" is.
-Perhaps you can share about someone who inspires/inspired you (either through a book or in real life, etc.) in the case for purity.
-What has G-d stirred in your heart as a passion?
-Perhaps you can share what G-d has planted in your heart regarding mental purity. How do you relate in terms to guys as brothers, girls; and guys, how do you relate to girls as sisters?

Later today, we'll be hearing from Isaac Harris in form of an interview, kindly submitted by ~Miss Raquel, who will also be guest-posting this week=)

I would like to close with a quote from Joshua Harris, in his book, Boy Meets Girl.

And then one day in heaven, when this life is done, you’ll truly be able to see His face. You’ll be able to look into His eyes. Imagine that conversation with Jesus. Do you think that on that day you’ll question His plan for your life? Do you think you’ll have grounds to accuse Him of stinginess or unfaithfulness? Do you think you’ll complain that you had to wait so long for a spouse? Or even that you never married?
You won’t do any of these things, because in heaven, you’ll see and know the perfection of His plan for you. It won’t be theoretical. It won’t simply be a promise in the Bible. You’ll see it as the undeniable fact that it is. What you’ll tell Him on that day is that He was faithful. You’ll say that His choices were exactly what you would have chosen knowing what you know now.

I pray that G-d will plant His living Word in each of us- and give us a stand to reach the world not only in a stance of purity, but in a stance of contentedness, in His {perfect} plan, His wisdom, and His compassion and His love, and His joy. For He is our only source of strength.

Ah, how good He is to us.
