Sierra Mackenzie

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The L-rd's Day

"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? And yet not one of them is forgotten before G-d. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are of more value than many sparrows."
-Luke 12:6-7

In G-d, I have a Shepherd who protects me from fear as though I am a lamb; I have a Shepherd who clothes me lilke a flower. I have a Father who delights in me, unworthy as I am, as His child, determined to give good gifts to me.

In G-d, I have a King who guarentees a kingdom for me- and who has all things in the palm of His hand.
Will I answer when He calls? I pray that I will have a heart and spirit that shows Him through living out my life, what He has given me- each and every day. Oh, I am  so in love with my Jesus!

Have a blessed, L-rd's Day, Friends!
Remember, Purity Week begins tomorrow! We'll have some of your favorite guest-posters, a giveaway, a special submission, and more=) Hope you join in!