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How Long Must I Wait? ~ A Guest Post by Miss Raquel

Welcome to our final day of Purity Week, Friends:-) Our fourth and final guest poster is ~Miss Raquel from over at God's Daughter. She is a beautiful, lovely young lady- another I have not met, but have found great encouragment through. Be blessed~! Thank you, Miss Raquel!


How long must I wait, LORD?

Waiting is hard.  In any circumstance.

There’s the ‘waiting’…when you’re expecting a letter in the mail.
There’s the ‘waiting’…to see if your parents will allow you to get your ears pierced.
There’s the ‘waiting’…wondering if you’re ever gonna have enough money saved up to buy an iPad.

And of course, there’s the ‘waiting’ for your own man. :)

I think that’s probably the hardest kind of waiting.  With each of the examples above, you know that it’ll be within the next year (well, hopefully).  But with the waiting-for-my-future-husband-wait, it’s more like: he may never come, but I’m still gonna wait and see what God has for me.

For some girls, God may not have a man in your future for you.  For others, He does…but not right now.

Waiting for your future husband isn’t easy.  You must learn to keep yourself pure – in thought, word and deed.  You must learn to live with the fact that ‘all’ your peers have boyfriends, except you.  (I put ‘all’ in quotations, because that’s what it may feel like, but girls, it’s not true ;)  You must learn to accept the fact that there really aren’t that many amazing, Christian guys out there right now.  This world is fallen.  The guys in it are going extinct…at least, that’s what it seems like.  Sometimes I wonder if there’s this group (maybe around 100 guys) hiding out in some cave, being raised to be amazing Christian men…and someday, they’ll come out of hiding and marry tons of amazing Christian girls. :D haha  I know, right?  That’d be like, something impossible.  (But hey!  With God all things are possible ;) 

I wanted to close with a few verses of encouragement for you girls.  But first, let me tell you something.
Every girl is capable of having romantic thoughts.  It would be unhuman if girls didn’t think about guys or romance or love at some point in their lives.  DON’T think that just because you think romantic thoughts, means that you are ‘impure’.  Yes, we must keep ourselves pure…but that doesn’t mean that God will be angry with us if we give in to our natural instincts of thinking ‘Oh, I can’t wait to get married’ or ‘I can’t wait till my first kiss’.  These are all natural thoughts, and in NO WAY impure.  Just be sure you don’t go too far and perhaps fantasize a future with a certain guy you may know.  Keep your eyes stayed on Christ – your Ultimate Heavenly Husband.  Because earthly men come and go, but your Jesus stands by you forever.

‘Wait on the LORD;  Be strong and let your heart take courage.  Yes, wait on the LORD.’
~ Psalm 27:14

‘My soul, wait in silence for God only.  For my hope is from Him.’
~ Psalm 62: 5

‘Our soul waits for the LORD; He is our help and our shield.  For our heart rejoices in Him, because we trust in His holy name.  Let Your lovingkindess, o LORD, be upon us.  According as we have hoped in You.’
~Psalm 33:20-22


~Miss Raquel is a daughter of the King of kings, a sister to six, and a friend of many. She reads, writes, rides horses, draws, photographs,  blogs, and plays the piano and violin, among others. Here stands a young woman who wants YOU to know how much she loves her LORD...and she hopes that you enjoy her blog and are blessed and encouraged by it. Join with her in her posts about what the LORD has been teaching day reviews...favorite quotes...and much more!

To read more from Miss Raquel, visit her blog, God's Daughter, and be blessed~!