Sierra Mackenzie

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From a Guy's Viewpoint~ Isaac Harris

~Miss Raquel over at God's Daughter was kind enough to let me use her interview with Isaac Harris for Purity Week! Her series, From a Guy's Viewpoint, asks different young men about topics in their life, and about what modesty/relationships mean to them. Thank you, Miss Raquel~!
Okay, I'm guessing most of you know who the Harris family is, so there's no need for a huge introduction or anything. :)  Isaac Harris is an amazing young man of God and I am privileged to know him, and be acquainted with his family.  And also for him taking the time to do this interview for me - for us, actually! :)

Anyway...without further adieu...

Isaac F. Harris

Age: 16
A few favorite hobbies/pastimes: Debate, soccer, basketball, acting
Favorite subject in school: Spelling
Favorite book: Besides the Bible, ‘Crazy Love’, by Francis Chan
Favorite movie: Currently, Inception
Something you look forward to every day: Something unexpected

(Isaac with his siblings...L-R: Isaac, Brett, James, Sarah, Joel, Alex and Joshua)
  1. What are your thoughts on modesty? It’s a good thing? *laughs* If this is in general, I believe that modesty is positive for everyone involved.
  2.   Some of us feel that we either give too much effort, or not enough, in worrying about the way we dress.  What is your suggestion to how you wish girls would dress?  What do you like to see girls wearing? I believe appearance is important. There’s a reason why God made us to evaluate things when we first see them. As long as looking good doesn’t take precedent over your heart attitude and bringing glory to God in your behavior, I don’t find anything wrong with dressing nicely. Just as long as it doesn’t become obsessive.
  3.  How do you feel about girls wearing makeup? I’m perfectly fine with make-up. What I don’t like, however, is when girls use it to cover up. I think make-up should be to accent and highlight, not to cover. To me, a pound of make-up on a girl is like hiding the natural beauty that God gave her.
  4. A lot of girls worry about looking chic around guys…but what do you consider pretty? Like I said before, appearance is fine, but the heart attitude is most important. I’ve met far too many girls that stress about dressing elegantly, but they come across as snobs. Rude, condescending, and inconsiderate. I’d prefer a warm, friendly, earnest young lady that’s dressed in sweats and a hoodie. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have both style and inner-beauty.
  5. Do guys ever notice changes in girls?  Hair styles, clothes, etc.? Most definitely. We may be slow, but we’re not oblivious *wink*     
  6. What is something that you want/look for, the most, in your future wife? Someone who’s first and foremost goal and instinct is to support, encourage, and motivate. Someone who doesn’t care what the world thinks as long as she is fulfilling what she believes to be God’s calling in her life.
  7. Do you often feel peer pressure from your friends?  In any way, but mostly in the standards that you have set for your life. I suppose so, but I’ve always tried to be purposeful to help set positive peer pressure. If you’re willing stand for what you believe is right, others will join you. Together, you can make peer pressure a positive thing.

  8. What do you consider flirting and what do you think of a girl when she flirts with you? That’s a tough one. I’m not sure if I can define flirting in general, because each situation is unique. As far as what I think, disappointment and pity for the fact that a girl feels like she has to act that way in order to impress someone or catch their attention. I don’t think any serious relationship has been sparked because someone flirted enough till they caught someone else’s attention.
  9. How do you feel about dating? I believe casual dating is pointless and dangerous. I think each and every relationship should have a purpose.
  10. If you agree w/ courting, how much involvement from YOUR parents do you believe is appropriate in helping you make a final choice in your future wife?  None, some, or a lot?  Please elaborate on your answer. A lot. I believe that their wisdom in matters such as this is absolutely invaluable. Not that I’m saying that your parents should choose your spouse for you, but I do believe that it would be unwise to ignore the advice they have to offer.
  11. When you’re interested in a girl, do you focus on her family too?  Do you make it a point to get to know them as much as you want to get to know her?  Absolutely. And this should come naturally.  I want to be involved in the lives of her family members just as much as I want her to be involved in the lives of mine.
  12. What is your view on college for girls? I don’t believe there’s anything wrong with a young woman attending college. I think it’s wise for them to have some sort of profession to fall back on.
  13. What is your dream job?  And why? Film Director. Because I absolutely love telling stories, and I love the freedom of creativity that you have within film. You can create what world you want
  14. What do you think the man’s role is in the home – compared to the woman’s? A man’s role is of protector, provider and leader. A woman’s is of home-maker and help-meet. Allow me to stress that I believe that each is equally as important.
  15. How many kids would you like to have?  5. But I’ll probably end up having more *smiles*
  16. A lot of guys like using sarcasm around girls…do you know why that is? This is actually a very fascinating question. I don’t know for sure. If I had to guess, it would be because sarcasm is the easiest form of humor for a guy to resort to when they don’t know what else to say.
  17. Do guys like it when girls are tomboyish or more girlie? I believe that guys like a sensible girl. And neither a tomboy, nor a girlie girl fulfills that. Guys like some of the sensibility of a tomboy, and they like the femininity of a girlie girl. There’s a balance ::grins:: Just be sensible.

  18. Is there anything that you would appreciate girls doing differently in order to help you maintain your purity? Encourage guys to be more open with one another. I see more and more young men finding it easier to be open with young ladies. I think it’s important for guys to form stronger relationships and accountability with one another. Young ladies, we do listen to much of what you say, so use that to encourage us to do the right thing.
  19. What are your thoughts on guys and girls hugging? In general, I'm alright with hugging, but I generally try to keep it very brief, and usually just a side-hug.
  20. When do you plan to have your first kiss? At my wedding, most definitely.
  21. How will you respond if God's plan is out of sync with your own?  In general? Well, I hope that I will be willing to submit to whatever God's plan is, because I know that what he has planned for my life is far better than anything I could create for myself.

 Isaac, thank you for your time in replying to this interview. 
We so appreciate it!  Stay strong in your faith, brother...