Sierra Mackenzie

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Wednesday Weekly Favorites {Week Two} & Music Photo Challenge

Hello, my Friends! Ready for another round of Wednesday Weekly Favorites?

Linking up This ^ one and the below one to A Ray of Sunshine's Photo Challenge. Kelsey, you can take your pick:)

~My Favorite Things from This Week~
1) Participating in the Shakespeare Competition
2) Watching all the Talented Actors/Actresses at the Shakespeare Competition
3) An Excellent Pair of New Piano Students=)
4) Having Some Family Time Last Night

~My Favorite Bible Verse This Week~
"Delight yourself in the L-rd, and He will give you the desires of your heart."
-Psalm 37:4

~Favorite Picture from This Week~

~Favorite Posts~
With Open Hands and a Willing Heart, by Melanie over at Forever His Servant
Understanding Submission... by Miss Bethany over at Resting... in Him
Prayer... Immediately and What are My Talents? by Tiffani over at Embraced by Him
Little Dwellings, by Kimberly over at Amusing

~Favorite Quote~
"If you would understand Christ's words fully and taste them truly, you must strive to form your WHOLE LIFE after His example." ~Thomas a Kempis
~Favorite Songs~
I'm With You by Nichole Nordeman and Amy Grant (new recording)
Dirt Road Prayer by Lauren Alaina
Love and Laundry and King of the World by Point of Grace
You Hold Me Now by Rebecca St. James
Strong Enough by Matthew West
This is the Stuff by Francesca Battistelli

What have been your favorites this past week?


Also, I would like to announce that the winner you chose for the *Joy* Photo Challenge is Alexandrea!

Congratulations, Alexandrea! You win a brand-new pair of bragging rights;)

Ready for a NEW photo challenge?
The theme is.....


Anything that reminds you of music, that is actually music, is an instrument, enter=)

~Rules~Each photo must link back to ~His Handmaiden~
The photo must be taken by you=)
You do not need to have a blog to enter; a flickr or facebook link is fine.
Absolutely no inappropriate links/entries, or else your entry will be deleted. I preivew all comments.
The photo challenge will end on October 15th.
Have loads of FUN!
I'll be posting my top picks and will leave a vote on the sidebar so y'all can pick, too=)
This is optional, but I know how fun it is when people browse around and leave comments for a few other entries:) Try it?

I can't wait to see the entries!
