Sierra Mackenzie

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Revealing Himself through All Things

Last night was TBC... and I usually get tons of notes from the books we read. Lately we've been going through Radical by David Platt... and oh, goodness…
David Platt is so convicting. Or rather, G-d is so convicting… through the chapters we’ve been reading…
I am so in love with Him.

In a few days I'll be posting/wrapping up the articles I've been scribbling furiously in my notebook/journal/prayer journal/gratitude journal/you-get-the-picture-notebook.

Everywhere I turn
Everything I see
Reminds me of the joy You bring to me.
And I need You so don’t let me go…
{Artist~ Rachel Lampa, Secret Place}
{Album~ Live for You}

Tonight, though, you just get a little interesting tidbit from before my scribbles- how G-d reveals Himself through the smallest, tiniest, most insignificant things... and to me. I feel so unworthy.

Let me give you an example.

Tonight, I was going into my bathroom to remove the clean clothes hanging on the shower there (for drying purposes). And as I looked behind the door, there, sitting on my blue skirt, was a humongous bug (roach)- the whole package: antennae twitching, big, brown, big, ancy-looking, big, scary, big, will-run-towards-you-if-you-scream, and did I mention BIG?!?!? I think I did.

I’m not normally a worried bug person… but cockroaches- oh, they are my fear (I know, I know… I need to get over it; but when my Daddy’s home, and he’s available, you better believe I yell for him--- well actually don’t yell…read on)… I screamed. And I do think I must have a bug-alert kind of scream. Grace-Hope, who was in who room, yelled, “Daddy, there’s a bug!”

How does she know these things???

My Daddy, in the midst of the World Series, being the wonderful, kind, compassionate father he is, jumped off the chesterfield, grabbed his shoe, and came to my aid, before I could yell his name- or scream again.

Pretty soon, the unwelcome visitor was on the ground... and disposed of.

I probably just about bored you to death right there (or else I frightened you away by my craziness=P). But.. I got to thinking-

How much is our Abba like that? Not in the sense of smacking bugs dead with a shoe, but instead, always by my side. All I did was cry for help… and my Daddy was there. How much more will my Heavenly Daddy be there for me, for things even my own daddy cannot take care of? Just like when, in different situations, it only takes a matter of a whispered prayer, and it’s solved… my predicament may not be solved on the outside, but in my heart, I have given all my worries to Him… and it is solved in my heart because of my Abba’s grace.

I've been home with my sweet little sister for the past week... Alexandrea and Marmee were out of town. Let me tell you, taking care of a seven-year-old child, her school-work, your school-work, your home, and meals, is no picnic. I'm *so* glad my Daddy was there (except for the mornings he had to work..). But, it taught me much patience. And submissiveness. And just how much my Marmee does for me. And I just  had to smile to myself and say, "future keeper-at-home training." :-)

Another example is that of cheese. Several months ago, I was in the kitchen preparing dinner with my Marmee.  And it was hard for me to actually cut into some cheese (later I found out it was because I was in the midst of a great chat with her, and was so distracted I was trying to cut the wrong side of the cheese… the rind;)… I kept trying by myself with no results that I wanted. So I asked my Marmee to help me with it. Of course, she immediately saw what the problem was.

“It’s important that our hearts are like that,” I said thoughtfully.
“Blog article!” she smiled.

But truly- G-d was revealing Himself to me through cheese.
He doesn’t want my heart to be so hardened either to Him or my parents that He’s not able to get to me and heal and bring me to submission. He wants my heart to be soft, submissive, and pliable.

I know these are seemingly “silly” little incidents… but I still love how G-d reveals Himself. Truly, He does have a sense of humor… I wonder just how He thought He would teach/remind me of these things.... happy thought!

What about you? Once I saw how G-d even cared about my Marmee’s sunglasses (long story… around ten years ago… shows just how memorable it was to me!), it’s been interesting and fun, and oh, such a blessing! -to look for other ways He reveals Himself to me… and convicting, too.
Have there been any experiences you’ve been through, no matter how small, that have been ways of G-d showing Himself to you? I’d love to hear about them=)
Bye for now! Many blessings~

Article and All Pictures Copyright of Sierra McKenzie, 2011
If you wish to use, please email