Sierra Mackenzie

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Letters to a Maiden's Adventurous Imagination

I am about to embark on a journey.

*skirts swish in the breeze*

a journey of excitement...

*the clank of knights' chain mail in the background*

a journey of re-creation...

*a breeze wafts through my hair*

a journey of anticipation...

*shouts of children's laughter*

a journey of peace and of spiritual warfare...

*the soft sound of a cheerfully babbling brook*

and one of love...

This journey I am on... life... is not my own.

I look up, and twirl around, overwhelmed by the leader on this journey... my precious Jesus. Oh, what would I- what could I- do without Him?

Linking Up to Kelsey's Photo Challenge.
I used rainbow-colored pencils, and then black and brown below for Noah's Ark;)

Tomorrow, I am about to embark on a journey of sorts- though not half as adventurous as my girlhood's imagination can sort through and compose;) It will be taking place in a car (not on horseback), and we'll be driving through the desert "badlands" (not through lush green meadows or fields). But why should I complain? I'm just excited to be going!

Tomorrow, my friends- my family and I are off to the Utah Shakespeare Festival and Competition to Compete- again~! Any and all prayers will be appreciated, for safe travels, and for "safe" competition;) Alexandrea and Isabel will be doing a scene together from Twelfth Night; and Zekie, Powers, Hunter, and I will all be doing monologues...
*happy dance*

We weren't sure whether or not we were going...
but tomorrow is the day.
And I'm so thankful to my Abba for allowing us to go.


The other day, I found a letter that is very precious to me- very dear to my heart. It is from my First Love. May I share it with you?

You are Mine, and I AM yours. My desire is for you (Song of Songs 7:10). My thoughts for you outnumber the grains of sand (Psalm 139:17-18). My dear, I am enthralled by your beauty (Psalm 45:11). When I look at you, I see a lovely creation; you are so fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:13-16). I have picked you as My bride, deemed you royal and holy, and you belong by My side (1 Peter 2:9). I have loved you with an everlasting love, and nothing shall seperate us now (Jeremiah 31:3). Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all of creation could keep Me from you (Romans 8:37-39). In fact, I love you so much that I would lay down My life for you (John 3:16). I would give up all of My riches, so that through My poverty, you could become rich (2 Corinthians 8:9). Though this world betray you, and though people forsake you: a friend, a parent, a loved one... I will never forsake you (Psalm 27:10). I will always be good to you (Psalm 27:13), and I will remain faithful to you, even when you are unfaithful (Romans 3:3-4). Come away with Me, My love... (Song of Songs 8:14). Will you return My devotion (Jeremiah 2:1-3)?

~your True Love,
Yaweh, the King of kings


There. Doesn't that make your heart swell with pure joy???
I'm not a humongous science fun. But I always love Psalm 139... so much so that Alexandrea and I memorized it a few years ago.

"You created me in my inmost being... You knit me together in my mother's womb... I praise Thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made... marvelous are Thy works- and that my soul knoweth right well."
-Psalm 139: 14-15 

Something my Marmee has told me ever since I was a baby is that G-d knew me, my personality, and what I would do - what He would do for me- whatever He has ordained me for... when He first created Adam and Eve. How complex- how amazing- is that? While reading about DNA, I realized just how much G-d had- and still has- control over every single teensy-weensy part of me and you.

That our Father in Heaven- knows the number of every hair on our heads... is incredible. That He knows tomorrow, before it even happens... is incredible.
That He knows how much I dislike chemistry, and promises to get me through it, day by day (that little thing that always bugs me !)... that, my friends...that is incredible. 

Isaiah 43:1-7

resting in His arms,
this adventurous maiden, whose G-d has much bigger plans than I could even fathom... in Him alone do I trust.