Sierra Mackenzie

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More Than Enough~ & *Music* Photo Challenge Winner

And all of You is more than enough for
All of me
…every thirst and every need…
You satisfy me
With Your love,
And all I have in You
Is more than enough.

Always enough...

It is hard to hear such words when the soul is in such turmoil.
It hurts

Today I am what one would call, “splendidly imperfect.”
It is splendid because my Abba reminded me of this song…
And these truths.
To know that G-d sees the depths of my soul…
And loves me anyways.

I see my doubt and my fear.

I remember that it is in the dark valleys that the stars shine the brightest,
shouting G-d's glory.

His faithfulness.
Because it’s harder to see stars when you are in the city, in light.
It’s so much easier to see the stars when you are in darkness.
The footprints story.

His carrying me through.

But oh friends… how lovely it is to know that this is yet perfecting me.
His power is made perfect in my simple weakness.

Even though the journey's long
And I know the road is hard,
The One who’s gone before me,
He will help me carry on

And after all that I've been through,
Now I realize the truth:
That I must go through the valley
To stand upon the mountain of G-d.

L-rd, help me find Your love in my frustration,
Your joy in my heartache,
Your peace in my fear,
Your glory in this valley
And any more I will go through…
Because You have planned my days before I was born.
Every joy.
Every whisper.
Every sigh.
Every fear.
Every ache.

Help me to want to be like You.

Help me to remember that You are always...


G-d bless you, my friends... He has truly blessed me... every day, no matter how hard, I am still His child and I still have His eternal, precious love… and I am so, so underserving.

That makes the worst of days glorious.
Another bath it will be… in His love.
And His grace.
I am at peace.
How good He is to me.
And I am His because He is.

Linking Up to Kelsey's Photo Challenge
And, I would like to announce that the winner of the *Music* Photography Challenge is....
Congratulations, Emma! This picture really is lovely! I love the background and the silhouette *so* much! Great job!
Ready for a NEW photo challenge?  
The theme is.....

suggested  by my wonderful friend, Emma;)
Feel free to go wild on this one... words are truly a part of our world... you can use books, something that looks like "poetry" (via Anne of Green Gables;), scrabble tiles (my personal favorite=)... whatever makes your heart think,
"Ahh! There's words!"

Each photo must link back to ~His Handmaiden~
The photo must be taken by you=)
You do not need to have a blog to enter; a flickr or facebook link is fine.
Absolutely no inappropriate links/entries, or else your entry will be deleted. I preivew all comments.
The photo challenge will end on October 21st.
Have loads of FUN!I'll be posting my top picks (if I get enough, otherwise I will post all of them as I've been doing) and will leave a vote on the sidebar so y'all can pick, too=)

No Wednesday Weekly Favorites this week. .. next week, perhaps. 
Joy, Friends! Many Blessings!     

Article and All Pictures (Except where Noted) Copyright of Sierra Brewer, 2011