Sierra Mackenzie

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Wednesday Weekly Favorites {Week 1}

This is from Nela over at Beloved Star... and I think it's a lovely idea! I think I'll be doing this off and on over the next few weeks... more likely than not I'll be doing it every other week at best; at worst every few... the problem with me is that I like sporadic posting rather than an, "Oh, no! It's Wednesday night... and I didn't do my Wednesday Weekly Favorites!" Maybe someday I'll be held more accountable with blog posts... but don't count on it=)

Linking Up to Miss Raquel's Book Bliss Photo Challenge 

~My Favorite Things From This Week~
1. Skyping with Tiffani
2. My Daddy Putting my Closet In
3. Photography (of course!)
4. Practicing my Monologue for the Shakespeare Competition

~Favorite Bible Verse~
Sing to the L-rd a new song, for He has done marvelous things; His right hand and His holy arm have worked salvation for Him.
-Psalm 98:1

~Favorite Picture~
This. Alexandrea actually took this picture. I was doing a winter photoshoot for an upcoming issue of Debu, and the above was the result. Thoughts?

~Favorite Posts~
"Please, Notice Me" from Melanie over at Forever His Servant
"Oh Time, Why the Rush?"  by Rachel at Maid for More
Godisnowhere by Mikailah at Maid for Him
Shell Photos by Madeline at A Glimpse into My World
A Quiet and Gentle Spirit is What I Long For...  by Miss Bethany at Resting... in Him

~Favorite Quote~
" Doing God's will is like dancing. When two people lead, nothing feels right. Once one notices that and lets the other lead, it's as if the two become one." ~Anonymous

~Favorite Songs~
Wait for Me by Rebecca St. James
Free by Rachael Lampa
Starry Night by Chris August
Adore by Jaci Velasquez
Beyond Measure by Jeremy Camp

What have been your favorites this week? I'd love to hear about them!


Rosh Hashana begins tonight... so to all those who celebrate it, have a blessed time! And to all those who don't celebrate it, have a blessed day!

'Till next time,