Sierra Mackenzie

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One Lovely Blog Award

Nela from over at Beloved Star and Tiffani from over at  Embraced by Him, Alexandrea over at  ~Baskets and Baking~ has awarded me this award.. Thank you, sisters! <3

I suppose the way this works is for me to blog seven facts about myself, and tag fifteen other bloggers. Here goes=)

1) I am a photography nerd;)  I drive my sweet, patient sisters nuts when I stop them on a walk to take pictures of a {what I'd like to say picturesque!}sidewalk.

2) I "bang" on my piano when I'm frustrated (and it's available)=) And I almost always feel relief.

3) I love to write. If it's hard for me to talk to some people, it's easy for me to write to them. Sometimes it's great. Sometimes not so much.

4) Teacups are my weakness. If I'm not swooning over them, I'm photo-shooting with them;)

5) I cook. Alexandrea bakes and cooks. I bake... but (I say;) not as well. We make a great combination=) =) =)

6) Some people naturally assume I want to be a politician- {which I don't} I have no idea why;) I just like governmental topics. And streaming arguments about governmnetal issues.   

7) I feel uniquely feminine when walking on the beach in a long skirt. I feel feminine in skirts as is; but for some reason I feel more so when I'm on the beach. I also love dressing up.... never pass up an opportunity;)

8) (I know I'm going over the limit but I just thought of something!) I love to act~ Shakespeare is my absolute favorite... but you already knew that, too.

I know this is a blurry picture... but it's the best one I had on hand=) And yes- I promise this is Shakespeare- Henry V. We did a fight scene via football. 'Twas much fun! And we're back in Cedar City for the Shakespeare Competition again this October. Looking forward to it, too!

I'm Tagging:

Miss Tiffani over at Embraced by Him
Miss Rachel over at Dancing with God
Miss Haley over at Singing in the Rain
Miss Kaeleen over at Carrying an Umbrella During a Drought
Miss Alexandrea over at ~Baskets and Baking~
Miss Melanie over at Forever His Servant
Miss Cassie over at Ad Majoream Dei Gloriam
Miss Abby over at His Sparrow
Miss Kelsey over at A Ray of Sunshine
Miss Lillian over at Frills and Furbelows
Miss Molly at Not Your Average Teen
Miss Bethany over at Secure in His Arms
Miss Mikailah over at Maid for Him
Miss Raquel over at God's Daughter
Miss Elizabeth Bennet over at Elegance of Fashion

Can I tag Nela and Tiff and Alexandrea back? 'Cause I absolutely love their blogs as well=)

So here's what you do- share seven things about yourself- and then tag fifteen other bloggers=)

Thanks, Sweet Friends! This was fun=)


All Pictures Copywrite of Sierra Brewer, 2011