Sierra Mackenzie

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The L-rd's Day

Hello Everyone=) I've decided to do a weekly Saturday post in which I post a verse for the Sabbath, and then some thoughts about it! I'm really excited about this!

Verse for the Day~

"And because you are sons, G-d has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!"
~Galatians 4:6

I got the above shot of a little girl at a beach visit one day... this little girl~ her posture~ just reminded me of prayer. What a precious moment captured! This picture appeals to me oh! -so much!

'Abba' cannot even be fathomed in English, because it literally is "Daddy." Because G-d loves us (for some reason), He allows us to come to Him as our Daddy, though we are truly addressing the King of kings! It clearly shows the love of our Father- when we can't even approach an earthly king. How deep the Father's love for us, how vast beyond all measure; that He should give His only Son to make a wretch His treasure.

Have a blessed L-rd's Day, friends!


Article and All Pictures Copywrite of Sierra Brewer, 2011