Sierra Mackenzie

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Worth It: Marilla's Reminder

I've been re-listening to the dramatized version of Anne of Green Gables (produced by Focus on the Family). I knew I wanted to do a post on that. But at the same time, I wanted to incorporate something else into it. Hence, this post.

Late into the book, when Anne is leaving for Queen's College, Marilla and Matthew and Anne are saying goodbye. It's heart-rendering- the dramatists did such an amazing job... it always makes tears well up in my eyes- no lie. At the dearest, hardest part of the scene, Marilla reminds Anne-

"Anne, when you first came to Green Gables, you said something to me."
Anne: "I'm sure I said a great many things!"
Marilla: "Well, you said, 'It's not worth loving something when you have to be torn from it.' I just want to let you know, it is worth it. You were, and still are, worth it."

"You are more than the choices that you make
you are more than your past mistakes
you are more than the problems you create.
You've been remade."
~ You are More by Tenth Avenue North

There. Isn't that something else? Whenever I feel down about myself, I always think of that scene. And of Jesus saying to me, "You could have been torn from Me; it's not like I needed you. But you are worth it. You are more than whatever you've done; I have remade you."

One of my favorite quotes is from Joshua Harris.

"The Bible offers a very different perspective [of love]... the world takes us to a silver screen on which flickering images of passion and romance play, and as we watch, the world says, "This is love." God takes us to the foot of a tree on which a naked and bloodied man hangs and says, "This is love." God always defines love by pointing to His Son."
-Joshua Harris, I Kissed Dating Goodbye; Looking Up Love in God's Dictionary, pg. 67

It's kind of hard to actually type what I've connected in my mind. Anne of Green Gables connecting with G-d's love? It's hard to express it. Hopefully, though, you've grasped my meaning. We've been re-made, thanks to Christ's great love.

We are here for one purpose, and that alone: for G-d's glory: soli Deo gloria. I know I use this a lot... but it's true. What do people see in me that show them I'm different? I'm going to expound on that one in a different post... but for now, au revoir!

by His grace,

Amazing book giveaway going on here!
Article and all pictures, Copywrite, 2011, Sierra Brewer