Sierra Mackenzie

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Jesus' Vessel: A Prayer for my Future Husband

Someday, falling in love with you
holding your hand,
making our plans
all come true.

Someday, under a sky so blue,
I'll give you my heart,
our story will start
someday soon.
~Someday Soon by Francesca Battistelli
Album: My Paper Heart 

I found this poem/prayer today... beautiful <3

Oh, Lord, I have a big request
which I must ask You now.
Before I find a man I love,
I pray You show me how.

I know Your Word is very clear
on what a man should be.
Don't let my feelings mix me up;
but give me eyes to see.

Keep me from boys who turn my heart
from You with looks or charm.
Protect me from temptations and
those things which bring me harm.

Help me discern all those sweet words
and actions which are fake.
Guide me to see what's right,
what's wrong:
my love for You at stake.

Help me consider only men,
with lives that do please You,
whose focus is to serve You well,
and do what You would do.

Lord, help me find a man that's wise,
that seeks and does what's right:
so if I choose to follow him,
we'll both walk in Your light.

Show me a man that knows You well,
that spends much time with You:
so he can know and do Your will,
and love just like You do.

I know that if I follow You
and put Your first in all,
the man You show me will be Your choice;
our purity won't fall.

Prepare me, Lord, to be a girl
that such a man would choose;
to grow with him, close to Your heart-
with You we cannot lose.


Some adjustments were made...=) But I love the last verse so much- girls, praying for our future spouse is important, but so is praying for the L-rd to shape us into what He would have us to be-  a reflection of Him. His Proverbs 31 woman!

Yet You, L-rd, are our Father.
   We are the clay, You are the potter;
   we are all the work of Your hand.
-Isaiah 64:8

When I went on my first "official" mother-daughter date when I was about seven or eight, we went to a tea-house. On the way, we listened to a CD with Rebecca St. James telling us the story of a tea-cup. When the Potter was first making the tea-cup, He smiled at it, and said, "I will make this shapless lump of clay into somthing beautiful." When He was spinning the lump of clay on His potter's wheel, the tea-cup said, "Oh, You're making me dizzy- please let me out of here!" The potter only smiled gently, and said, "I am not finished yet." The same thing happened several times, and the potter was hurting for the tea-cup- and yet He would not take the tea-cup out of the process. Finally, the tea-cup felt like it was burning in the kiln. The tea-cup did not know that being refined by fire was the last step, and it was hurting now more than ever before. But the potter would not take the tea-cup out.

Finally, the tea-cup came out. And it was beautiful. And as the potter gazed upon the beauty He had created, He smiled. And as the tea-cup gazed at itself in the mirror, it knew.

I've never heard that story since. But it stuck with me, because somtimes life does give us ups and downs. But as one of my life verse says, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." -James 1:2-4. G-d is going to shape us and mold us into something beautiful... His refined vessel.


Article and all pictures, property of Sierra Brewer. Copywrite, 2011