Sierra Mackenzie

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Jane Austen Week~ Day Two

Jane Austen Week
Day Two

Welcome to Day Two of Jane Austen Week! Scroll below to see day one=)

What are your top three favorite Jane Austen Novels and why?

  Pride and Prejudice.

Always. A while back, Tiffani gave me a letter she'd written years ago to me in P& P fashion: gossipy about the latest "ball," the latest style of dress, and bits and pieces dropped about the latest going on with "that Mr. Wickham!" Forever ago, we were part of a book discussion on Pride and Prejudice. I wrote her back a letter with the same tone, and though we've dropped our eloquent, albeit airy tones, we still continue the art of letter writing to our own seperate estates=) Had to put that in there. Anyhoo, I love Pride and Prejudice because of the different characters exhibited. There's the snippet Ms. Darcy; the (oh, how shall I describe her?) vexing Mrs. Bennet; and the good-natured, silly Mr. Bennet. And as Miss Elizabeth Bennet says, "Colin Firth is just Mr. Darcy. End of story." It's humorous, but also brings up some great points and morals; and always keeps one on the edge of her seat. And I have to say, Wickham is the most horrid villain. Except for maybe Willoughby from Sense and Sensibility. I digress:) The lesson to the parents in this book: keep an eye on your children. Literally. And if you haven't watched it yet, watch the BBC version. I cannot stress this enough=)


Sense and Sensibility.

^Yes, that's ^this^ version=)
Oh, how I love this novel. It's soooo good. And I must add;) when, I took the Which Sense and Sensibility Character Are You? quiz, I ended up as Elinor. Yep. Don't necessarily fly into such raptures about a "certain someone" as Marianne does; even though I love Marianne's bubbly personality. Plus Marianne was teachable enough: at the beginning and well into the novel she always disliked her sister Elinor's sense, and prefered her sensible emotion. However, by the end, she discovers that it's better to have a little bit of both. Same, I might add, with Elinor=) Hugh Grant is the best Edward Ferrars. And Miss Fanny is just one of those characters who "take delight in vexing you." As Pride and Prejudice, this keeps you on the edge of your seat. 
 The moral of this novel? Control your emotions.
===> This version. Yes.



Even though at the beginning of the book I strongly disliked her, Emma has a way of catching you up. She's *so* humorous. And I love the part where she's match-making ____ and _____ and then ____ decides to propose to ____ instead! (You fill in the blanks=) One of the most terrible (female) "villians" (or whatever you want to call her) of Jane Austen's novels is Mrs. Elton! What a snob! Her conversation is basically, "Oh yes, I-," "Of course I," "To be sure, I-." And then, "Me-- oh, and my brother. And my sister." ahem. Let's not forget about them, Mrs. Elton. And while you're at it, maybe talk about something else for a change... perhaps- me. i kid. promise.


Well, these are my favorites. Please do tell me yours!
