Sierra Mackenzie

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His Love is Limitless: A Guest Post by Tiffani

Chorus:   Unafraid
‘Cause I know who You are
Staring life in the face
‘Cause I know who I am is who You made
So here I stand
Verse 2:    You say I'm Your own, an orphan found
You say I am home, those lies are lonely now
You're proud of me, and I am safe
And my fears begin to fade
Joy Williams ~ Unafraid
Album: Genesis

Good morning everyone!
It is a beautiful morning…even if it is a little cloudy where I live….  It’s beautiful, because this is a day that the Lord has made.  And I am going to strive to rejoice & be glad as I can today!  =)
I read my morning devotional for today, from the book Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.  The devotionals are short, but packed with encouraging words that make you (or make me, anyway) feel like you’ve just heard a great sermon.   Honestly, I think what makes all the difference is that each devotional is written like Jesus is talking.  Hence the title “Jesus Calling”.  It is so different to read :
“Jesus loves me, this I know.  For the Bible tells me so.”  Versus.  I love you so much, & you know this by reading My Word.
 Anyhoo, I read today’s & it really stood out to me.  Life is sometimes like a roller coaster.  Sometimes like a teeter-totter.  You have your ups & you have your downs.  We’ve heard those analogies countless times…  What I never really thought of was, “Your mind is somewhat like a seesaw.  As your trust in Me goes up, your fear and worry automatically go down.”  (From Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, Aug. 10)
If you’re like me then, your favorite part of the seesaw wasn’t being at the top & viewing the “world” from “way up high.”  It really is the time just after you’ve pushed off from the ground and you feel like you’re flying…no limits to how far you can go. 
Which makes sense, because I LOVE the feeling after praying to my Abba Father for peace or joy or comfort when I feel that overwhelming sensation of His presences filling me with what He knows I need.  All my negativity, fears, worries, etc… being washed away.  I feel limitless to how embraced by Him I can feel.  Unlike the seesaw, there really isn’t a limit.  I’m not going to go back down after I’ve hit the top.  As long as I keep my trust in Him & don’t let my worries get in the way…it's all good!
Ok, so being realistic…that isn’t easy.  I am going to let my fears & worries back into my life sometimes….not purposefully, but they have their way of sneaking in. 

But I also know that all I have to do is pray, & He will fill me with His overwhelming presence again.  And up I’ll go, soaring without limits…embraced by Him.

Au Revoir…Until next time.
Many Blessings!  =)

Tiffani is a daughter of the Most High King.  She loves sitting at her Saviors feet, listening to His voice, & following His leading.  She also enjoys theatre, novels, God-honoring music, fellowship with her brothers & sweet sisters in Christ & precious time spent with her family.    She hopes that if you decide to stop by her blog, that you will be blessed by the overwhelming embrace of her Abba Father God.
To read more fromTiffani, visit her blog  Embraced by Him, and be blessed.