Sierra Mackenzie

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Our G-d is Greater

Two Photo Challenges today...

The Flip-Flop Farmgirl is hosting a photo challenge! Since the theme is 'flower' I'm submitting this one:

No editing whatsoever was done to it. Isn't our G-d amazing? Every petal in this blossom is perfectly formed.. the colors remind me of His joy spilling over. Just like whenever I go to the pottery kiln to fire a pot, and creative juices spill over, I always think of G-d creating a giraffe- or an elephant- or a horse. What if He'd given a horse a giraffe's neck? It's crazy to think that some believe it happened by random chance.. yet all of it hooks together so perfectly. It's nothing but our G-d.

Secondly, I'm entering this photo for I *heart* Faces photo challenge.

This is probably one of my favorite pictures of Grace-Hope. She's so sweet...

Our G-d is greater
Our G-d is stronger
G-d, You are higher than any other.
~Chris Tomlin, Our God
Album: And if Our God is for Us
