Sierra Mackenzie

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Giveaway for Y'all...

Anyone notice anything different around here? Yep, instead of, it's now! It's still in the process of transitioning (it can take around three days before it's available all over the internet), but it's coming along nicely :)  Also- take a look at the Followers gadget on my sidebar: did you see there’s sixty followers?!?!?! Wow! I feel so blessed- I never imagined that would happen- people just listening to my online thoughts… group hug!  So to thank you- surprise!

Thanks to the generous sponsorship of Rings of Desire by Cathy, I have a special little giveaway goin’ on for you, my friends … these beautiful little feather and copper wire earrings are lovely!  Just a little bit about them: the wire is pure copper; the bead is a faceted Czech bead with Picasso an antique look. They dangle about 1 1/4 inches from bright copper French style ear wires. In accordance with all her goodies, they are a one-of-a-kind design.  
Y’all, I’m jealous =) Scroll down to see how to win these..

-To Enter-
follow ~His Handmaiden~(+1)
(since this giveaway is especially for my followers)
 Visit her Etsy Shop, and comment on your favorite item(+1)
Leave a comment telling me your favorite character from Pride& Prejudice (if you've not read/seen it, a "literary hero.") (+2)

~Extra Entries~
Visit her facebook page: Rings of Desire Handmade Jewelry- 'Like' and comment so she knows you looked! (+2)
Blog about this giveaway (leave the link) (+1)

Leave a comment telling me about a created literary hero of yours=) It only has to be a couple of sentences, nothing fancy if you don't like to elaborate (+3)
leave separate comments for each entry, otherwise they won't be counted.

There! The giveaway will close August the 6th, so start commenting! Good luck, and blessings!