Sierra Mackenzie

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My Graduation Slideshow

For those of you who couldn't make it to my graduation, or live too far away: hope you enjoy this little graduation slideshow of mine. Make sure to pause theplaylist to the right- you need to hear the music.   Pictures from the graduation are coming soon...

My day has been filled with children. Children meaning eighteen wriggling, hugging, yelling children ages 3-7. That's indeed a handful. I can't wait 'till I become a mommy (though of course all in the L-rd's timing)!!! I, a teacher, and another boy were put in charge of these precious gifts.. so many times I find them teaching me, rather than the other way around. There is something so fulfilling about working with them. I feel like crying as I look back on this past week- praying that I was the example of G-d's love- light shining through darkness; hope shining through fear. How blessed am I to experience this love and devote myself to these dear ones.

Oh, how He loves us..