Sierra Mackenzie

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Debu Mag

Hello Everyone=),

I don't normally post twice in one evening, but this is sooooo important. Please read:

A dear friend of mine had a calling from the L-rd a few months ago after reading Do Hard Things. Please read the below, and subscribe. Her goal is to get 2,000 subscribers to this online magazine.  I know it will be a great blessing, so check it out if you haven't already.

Calling all teenage girls!

Debú Magazine is coming to your computer in September 2011!

Debú Magazine's mission is to inspire teenage girls to surrender their entire lives to Christ and encourage them to live actively and radically for Jesus. We hope by subscribing to Debú that you will be encouraged and uplifted.

Follow this link to check out our website and subscribe to receive Debú each month.

So, we need your help! Forward this email to all your friends and let them know about Debú! We want to have as many girls subscribed as possible by our first issue comes out in
September, so tell everyone and keep this email going!

You are all in our prayers,
Debú Leadership Magazine

Now. I expect at least 50 of y'all to subscribe! Just kidding=D But please do look it up and get involved.

Thanks for reading!