Sierra Mackenzie

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A Renewal and Restoration

Lately I have felt a tug on my heart: that I am using this blog for my own purposes and opinions, rather than to glorify the One Who created me.  I need to renew. I originally started this blog, yes for fun, but also for- I don't know how to describe it... I guess a sort of place to share my feelings about G-d working in my life, friend and family life, my humble opinion of being a keeper-at-home, and a servant of Christ.  A blog to be able to connect with others with the same end goal: that of following Christ, wherever He calls, whenever He calls.
And lately, I've felt I've sidetracked.

Father, help me renew. Restore in me that first vision of this blog, and bring me back to that purpose.

After much prayer, I've decided. I'm going to take a break from blogging for the next few days, until I know and feel at peace where G-d wants me to go with this. Stay tuned. This is going to be an adventure, I can feel it.


"It gives one such a conception of the seeming ills of life; to think of Him as our Physician, the ills all remedies, the deprivations only a wholesome course for our good, the losses all gains. Why, as I study this individual case, and that, see how patiently and persistently He tries now this remedy, now that, and how infallibly He cures the souls that submit to His remedies, I love Him so! I love Him so! And I am astonished that we are restless under His unerring hand...can I love Him with half my heart? Can I be asking questions a to how much I am to pay towards the debt I owe Him?"
Stepping Heavenward (pages 244-245) By Elizabeth Prentiss

Also, while ya'll have the time, go check out Melanie's blog. She is an amazing writer, an encouraging, inspiring personality on fire for the L-rd! Be blessed! SHe is also currently holding a giveaway. And speaking of giveaways, Carlotta at Pastor's Girl's Ponderings is hosting one too.

Have a wonderful week!