Sierra Mackenzie

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Looking Up

I'm back everyone! I know it was an (extremely!) short "break." But my blog was out of sight, out of mind. That's what I wanted. 


I'm going to go ahead and say it: I didn't miss it. Taking a vacation didn't break my heart. I'm sorry if you're offended, but when G-d asks you to take a break from anything in general, He is there, supporting you. You can't really say no.  However, I'm certainly glad to be back!

I found this picture just the other day of Grace-Hope, from when we went to the backyard to take pictures of her in January. I *love* this picture, and so does she. Her smile is so beautiful, and she's looking up, (it seems into heaven) with sheer joy on her face.

Unfortunately, the picture painted above is not so pretty as it sounds. She'd just pulled a prank. That girl! =) Don't you just love her to pieces? On the other side of the topic, don't forget to enter the Photography Challenge! Since I only have two entries thus far, I'm extending the date to April 17th, my birthday, and two days later. This will be a fun way to celebrate!

Looking Up.

"Our course heavenward is like the plan of the zealous pilgrim of old, who for every three steps forward, took one backward." ~Elizabeth Prentiss (Stepping Heavenward)

I needed that quote today! One idea that flows through "Elizabeth's" precious thoughts in her diary is how undeserving she is of her Savior. Like my friend Melanie says on this book:

What I love is that this "journal" shows the struggles of a girl pursuing Christ. It shows the thoughts of her heart (which I could SO often relate to), her failings, and her successes.  This story shows a young girl growing up, getting married, struggling through the first years of being a wife, and then mother.  There are illnesses, deaths..its just life in all it's reality.  This book shows a servant of Christ.
At the end of the book, this now woman is still feeling undeserving of her savior...she still believes she has a long way to go.

But what the readers that though she herself has not seen it...she really is the woman she is/was striving to be.  But she remains humble and diligent. She continues to want to grow.  She has been "seasoned" by life...she chose to take the trials and learn from them.

Alexandrea and I are currently making a Tiered Skirt similar to this one. Thanks to Seven Sisters for providing the tutorial!

I hope y'all have a wonderful remainder of the day! Remember, He is the source of all joy.

"And my soul shall be joyful in the LORD; It shall rejoice in Jesus." Psalm 35:9