Sierra Mackenzie

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Dreams Must Die

" There alone on the balcony; the princess spent several hours in thought and prayer. She loved the peaceful feeling of the west balcony covered with vines, sweet peas, and ivy.  It seemed like her own private place, outdoors --yet nearly indoors. She had so many memories of special times of prayer she had enjoyed there alone, admiring the view of the mountains and talking with the One who had created them.
As she listened to the birds and felt the gentle breeze, she was vividly reminded of what she already knew --that her life was not her own, for she had been bought with a price.  In that still and quiet moment, she made an important decision in her heart.  She determined that regardless of the cost, she must take the higher road. With renewed zeal, she once again dedicated her life, her time, and her future to her heavenly
Father and to whatever work he saw fit to giver her."

" The princess had yet to learn that when one struggle is overcome, the next one is usually just around the corner."

 " Diligently, the princess gave herself to eternal things --sewing clothes for the poor, spending time with the orphans, representing her father at important gatherings, and providing much hospitality for guests and ambassadors visiting the castle.  But once again the princess found herself growing tired of waiting.  The months seemed to drag by slowly, and she found herself discouraged.  "What am I even waiting for?" she wondered. "Is it possible, as [the alligator--namely the enemy/Satan] has so often said, that I am waiting for a dream that will never come true?"

"After finishing dinner one cloudy evening, the princess decided to take a walk along the path  that went past the courtyard, through the vineyard, and along the edge of the forest outside the castle. So many questions troubled her. So many fears found their way into her thoughts. She remembered the afternoon out on the balcony only six months earlier.  She had been so excited about living each day to the fullest, so determined  to be content, no matter what.  Now it felt as if she had been waiting forever."

"Hearing soft footsteps, she turned around and saw her mother walking behind her.  The princess waited but said nothing, telling herself that she was determined not to start crying.
Her mother seemed to already know how she was feeling, as mothers usually do [don't they?] , and gently asked if everything was alright.
The princess was silent for a few moments and then began to speak slowly, "Years ago I decided that I had a purpose in life much bigger [than what the world says], and that I would [do whatever my heavenly Father asked of me.] Time after time, I have prayed for His will to be done and purposed to be content.  And just when I thought I had finally understood contentment, just when I thought I had finally learned how to [patiently trust, a new struggle came in and made everything harder.] I just don't understand why I can't learn to trust and am so easily distracted. And why --" she concluded with a sigh, "why does this have to be so difficult?"
"Struggles are a necessary part of life," her mother said.  "They strengthen us and prepare us for the new trials that lie ahead.  When one struggle is overcome, another is often around the next bend."

"I suppose. But Mother, I feel like I'm failing in each struggle, not overcoming them."
"Thou art growing. Thou art learning. These are the very things the struggle is designed to accomplish in thy life. Do not forget, dear daughter, that except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit."
"Bear fruit --that is exactly what I want to do," the princess said quietly, as if deep in thought.
"Then your dream[s] must die."
"But my dream[s are] good dream[s], not bad dream[s]. [They are] the dream[s] God has given me. It is nothing wicked I desire, but only what is natural, wholesome, and beautiful.  Why must it die?
Her mother stepped off the path, knelt down, picked up an acorn, and explained, " Observe this acorn, perfectly designed for what it is intended to do --die.  The acorn does not now why; the acorn does not understand what is ahead, but only if it is buried in the cold and dark earth --forgotten and left alone --does it fulfill its purpose and become what it was created to be. Would the acorn ever have imagined that it would become the beautiful oak tree you see before you? Not in its wildest dreams.  When you admire the oak tree, do you mourn the loss of the acorn? Of course not. By losing its life, the acorn became something so much greater, so much more beautiful, so much more valuable. The death is forgotten. The fruit is remembered. Nevertheless, death was required." ~ Before You Meet Prince Charming by Sarah Mally  (163-164, 166-167,169)

Is there any more that needed saying?