Sierra Mackenzie

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A Collaboration of Thoughts on Virtue

The following is a collaboration of thoughts, etc., from government this morning:

Question: What is Virtue?
Answer (The Aforementioned Collaborations): 
  • A selflessness or charity.
  • Something that needs constant work.
  • A quality considered morally good.
  • Public Virtue: is the putting of needs of others above yourself, while private virtue consists of a good or useful quality that you use to benefit yourself or your family.
  • Being politically correct is not considered being virtuous.
Question #2: Why is Virtue Necessary for Freedom?
Answers (More Afore-Mentioned Collaborations...):
  • If our leaders aren't moral, how should we expect them to care for us???
  • Larisa then brought out a great point: that she remembered that somewhere she heard that virtue meant fulfilling one's potential. How are we to fulfill the need for virtue, and therefore virtuous freedom, if one is not virtuous? Especially our leaders.
  • Virtue is acting under the characteristics of honor, loyalty, responsibility, faith, love, to name a few.
  • The world does not bother working at becoming, it just says "I’ll try." "Try" implies an unconscious disbelief in your freedom; it admits and presupposes an obstacle or an unnecessary condition. Trying is just "belief in," not a knowing faith. The subconscious feeds a "trying" attitude and lulls your conscious mind. Doing transcends trying.
Final Thoughts:  Virtue is choice, and it can only happen by choice. People aren't really virtuous unless they choose to be. People need to be virtuous, but the question is...

*drum roll*

How Can we Make that Happen?

I'm waiting for your answers...