Sierra Mackenzie

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Song of the Week: Meant to Be

Hey ya'll! I know my Poetry Tuesday went down under after the first couple of tries=P  SO, I've decided to do a "Song of the Week" instead. We'll see how it goes; it may soon become song of the every two weeks, or even song of the month. I'll be posting the song of the week any time during the week. Here we go:

Today's Song of the Week is: Meant to Be, by Steven Curtis Chapman. Not only is it well-written, he sings it with so much passion. It seems to be based off of Jeremiah 29:11 (header of this blog).  Love this song:

Long Before You Drew Your First Breath

A Dream Was Coming True
God Wanted to Give A Gift To The World
So He Wrapped It Up In You

Every Step That You’ve Taken
Every Move That You Make
Is Part Of His Plan

You Were Meant To Be Touching
The Lives That You Touch
And Meant To Be Here
Making This World So Much More
Than It Would Be Without You In It

You Were Meant To Be Bringing
The Gifts That You Bring
And Singing The Songs
You’ve Been Given To Sing

You Are Perfectly, Wonderfully,
Beautifully Meant To Be
You Were Meant To Be

Long Before You Took Your First Fall
You stumbled to the ground
God started telling the story of you to the angles around
Every failure and victory
Everything inbetween
Its all in his hand


For every breath that your taking
And every move that you make
It’s a meaningful life you’ve been given
Live it well
You Were Meant To Be Touching
The Lives That You Touch
And Meant To Be Here
Making This World So Much More
Than It Would Be Without You In It

You Were Meant To Be Bringing
The Gifts That You Bring
And Singing The Songs
You’ve Been Given To Sing
You Are Perfectly, Wonderfully,
Beautifully Meant To Be
 You Were Meant To Be

If you want to hear the music,  here's the link. But if you don't want to look it up, it's currently the last song on my playlist. Enjoy!