Sierra Mackenzie

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Do I Have a Mission?

To my Loverly Readers: This is a little essay/speech I wrote for my Key of Liberty Class (KoL). The topic is Do I Have a Mission. Let me know your thoughts...

Do I have a mission? Do I have a purpose in life? That is what many people ask themselves today, and sadly, most of the time many think that no, they don’t have a purpose, they don’t have a mission. Many of those persons who say no to this question are non-believers, atheists. Because if you notice, many religions teach that of course you have a purpose! These examples include Mormonism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, etcetera. Of course, there are exceptions in these religions, such as in Hinduism, it all depends on what caste, or your status quo, that you are in that dictates your purpose.

Today I’m going to be speaking to you on missions and purposes from a Christian perspective, because that is where the whole idea of purposeful living originated. Psalm 139 tells us that G-d has created us with a purpose in life from the very start. “Before you were in your mother’s womb, I knew you.” Isn’t it wild to think about G-d thinking thousands of years ahead of time when He created the world about us??? That sure makes me feel small and insignificant- the Creator of the Universe planned and prepared a job for me to do… and now I have to fulfill it. That one thought and feeling fills me with awe. Ephesians 2:10 tells us that G-d prepared in advance works for us to do. Notice the word for. G-d doesn’t need our help in these things, but He’s created works for us to do not for Him, but really I think for ourselves. G-d already has a plan and it will follow through no matter what, but the awesome thing about that verse is that He uses us, even when we know He doesn’t need us. Period.

Now I’m going to take you on my little bunny trail… what is my mission? I truly believe my mission is to honor G-d above all else, as what He ordained me to be. I don’t quite know what exactly that is yet. I know I will fulfill His plan for me as I serve Him now being a keeper-at-home, and later a helpmeet to my future husband, and mother to my children. But what about “the bigger picture?” Well, I just don’t know. G-d may simply want me to be an example to my family. Or G-d may call me somewhere else… a missions trip to India like my hero Amy Carmichael? Serving the L-rd through acting, music, or another passion? The list could go on and on. But the only thing that matters is that He will call me to a certain place, and I may either think it by accident, or know it is Him, but all in all, I will end up where He wants me to be. I read something somewhere once that said, “G-d’s plans are never interrupted by our mistakes.”

Imagine G-d saying in heaven, “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have fulfilled the purpose I gave to you before the beginning of time, and served Me above all else.” And when that happens, what a beautiful day that will be.

What about you? What do you feel are your callings/missions in life? Any thoughts to add to this?