Sierra Mackenzie

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Book-Ratings and Pages

I'm editing my pages. As you can see, my 'Mission' page has disappeared, merged into my 'Dance' page. I also decided to remove my 'Books' page (though I may decided I can't do without it, and it'll re-appear), and just post about books I've been reading every now and then, and label them "Book-Ratings." Oh, and by the way: many of my descriptions are taken from the books. For right now though, here is my 'Books' page edited down to a post:

January 18, 11~ The Choice
Author: Carolyn
Description: Actually a sequel to the novel, The Challenge. This is an amazing book. It's a novel, and the characters in it go through a process of courtship that is truly beautiful to behold. They follow G-d and all His commands, through hardships, etc. This is especially a beautiful book because the heroine of this particular sequel is one of those luke-warm Christians who is stand-offish with her father becomes one of those Christians on fire for G-d with a deep love and understanding of grace. There is some romance in this book, making it a good one for mother and daughters. Ecclesiastes 3. '
Rating: 6 stars. Yes.

January 12, 11~ The Challenge
Author: Carolyn (she doesn't write under a last name)
Description: David Jensen has waited years and years to find a wife, one whom the L-rd especially points out to him. As he visits a ranch one day, he hears the owner's daughter, a young woman named Hope, praying for the exact same thing he has prayed for all these years.  Later that week, a command is given David when Hope is in trouble and he wants to help her: Don't touch her until the wedding.

December 10~ The Daybreakers
Author: Louis L'amour
Description: Orrin Sackett had to be pushed into a fight. But Tyrel Sackett was born to trouble. The night Tye stepped between his brother and a bullet changed them both forever. Now their trail pointed west, to a lawless frontier town called Sante Fe. Orrin took the job of marshal, while Tye commanded respect without a badge. When a loose end from their past turns up, one brother will be forced to revert to his old ways-if the other's dreams are to be realized.
Rating: 4.8 stars. It was good, it was just... well, you have to read it to understand it. Perhaps it's just me.

December 10~ How Could a Loving G-d...?
Author: Ken Ham
Description: This is a book that helps answer the questions, "Is G-d indifferent to my suffering?" "How do I resolve this anger at G-d?" "Why didn't G-d prevent this from happening?" Ken Ham makes clear the answers found in the pages of Scripture- powerful, definitive, and in a way that helps our hearts to go beyond mere acceptance. When you grasp the reality of original sin- and all that it means- it creates a vital foundation for your heart to finally understand what follows.  (Taken from book)
Rating: 5 stars

December 3/10~ The Christmas Sweater
Author: Glenn Beck
Description: This is a fairly new novel, but a wonderful one. Glenn Beck weaves important truths into his true story through the eyes of a poor boy. It's another cry book, but it's spectuacular.
Rating: Ten stars.

November 29/10~ Ordeal by Innocence
Author: Agatha Christie
Description: Two years after a person is convicted of the crime, and is now dead, a mysterious Doctor Calgary returns proving the guilty innocent. He thinks the house would be glad to have the boy found innocent, but he is dead wrong, because they now must find among themselves the real killer.

Rating: 4.5 stars
November 10~ Uncle Tom's Cabin
Author: Harriet Beecher Stowe
Description: The story of a slave named Tom. Devout and loyal, he is sold and sent down south, where he must endure brutal treatment as a slave. Amazing book!
Rating: 5 stars.

October 10/10~ Johnny Tremain
Author: Esther Forbes
Description: This is a novel (that could have happened) that takes place just before the Revolutionary War. Johnny Tremain is a young apprentice silversmith, and gets caught up in a dramatic involvement with James Otis, John Hancock, Paul Revere, and John and Samual Adams. Johnny is swept along by the powerful currents that will lead to the Boston Tea Party and the Battle of Lexington- and then to an important discovery in Johnny's own life.
Rating: 5 stars. This book is now added to my list of favorites~! It's a cry book, but at the same time, it is one of the best reads ever!

October 1/10~ Tom Sawyer Detective
Author: Mark Twain
Description: Tom and Huck go on a "grand" vacation to Uncle Silas's house in Mississippi, but every inch of the trip draws the boys deper into a tangled web of dark deeds: a mysterious stranger, a long-lost twin, a vanished farm hand... how does it all add up? Mysterious!
Rating: 4.5 stars

September 25/10~ King of the Hill
Author: A.E. Hotchner
Description: A memoir of a young boy living in St. Louis during the Depression. It's a sad picture of life back then.
Rating: 4 stars. I loved the ending. But there was a lot of strong language in this book...

September 21/10~ To Have and To Hold
Author: Mary Johnston (Wrote a post on her...)
Description: I'm not exactly fond of romance novels- but this one is amazing- and wholesome. It's from a Christian perspective, and a runway ward of the king of England has to choose to either submit to the king's unlawful decree or to stay true to her husband.
Rating: 6 stars! You must read this book!

September/10~ The Crucible
Author: Arthur Miller
Description: Placed during the Salem witch trials in 1692. Each inhabitant of the small village believe unquestioningly in their own sanctity- however, that belief turns poisonous when a vengeful teenager accuses a rival of witchcraft- and then those accusations multiply to consume he entire village of Salem.
Rating: 5 stars. It's written in a play format, which I liked, because someone was always talking. There were a load of great points and themes throughout the book as well. And it ended on an amazing note, though a sad one.

September 17/10~ The 5,000 Year Leap: A Miracle that Changed the World
Author: -
Description: The Principles of Freedom 101:-)
Rating: 5 stars!

September/10~ The Freedom Factor
Description: A book about a man trying to add an amendment to the Constitution. What happens? A signer of the Constitution, Nathaniel Gorham, comes back to change his mind... and then when that fails, he takes him into the future to understand just what this new amendement can do to the U.S.'s freedoms.
Rating: 4 stars. There was some pretty cheesy romance. Bleh.

August 26/10~ Wonders Never Cease
Author: Phil Callaway
Description: This novel had some hilarity, but added suspense and mystery entwined. Phil Callaway is hilarious!!! The end was even better, as it showed how a teenage atheist found his way to Christ through the ups and downs of his atheist-turned-Christian friend.
Rating: 5 stars all the way!

August/10~ Cymbeline
Author: Shakespeare :D
Description: Follows the story of Imogen and her troubles along the way.
Rating: 4.5 stars

July 12/10~ Sir Knight of the Splendid Way
Author: Lamplighter
Description: Rather like '"Pilgrims' Progress," except the latter was just a tad more interesting. It was an excellent read, and very meaningful.
Rating: 5 stars

July 5/10~ Red Scarf Girl: A Memoir of the Cultural Revolution
Author: Ji-Li Jiang
Description: The memoir/biography of a girl living during the cultural revolution time period... what thoughts were put into her head, and how she changed- not necessarily for the best, but not for the worst, either. It had a rather sad, yet heart-felt touch to it, and it was very, very good writing.
Rating: 4 stars. I strongly disliked the way the book ended. The future for the girl looked rather bleak, and though it seemed written for the sole purpose of a journal/memoir (which I can appreciate), the enjoyment level was low. Of course, I feel the same way when I'm reading these kind of books. It was an overall good read- and it did make you think about how great our freedoms are in the U.S.

June-July/10~ Epicenter
Author: Guess who? Rosenberg, of course:)
Description: Actually, this book is a work in progress. It's about how the Bible's prophecies are/have been fulfilled. My friend's and I have been discussing this particular book, and I think that it makes it twice as good being able to discuss the contents.
Rating: 5 stars, as of right now...

June 30/10~ The Ezekiel Option
Author: Joel Rosenberg
Description: Thriller, that I can give it, but there's a lot more to this one than the last two. It has loads of stuff from Ezekiel in it!
Rating: 5 stars! And I would give it six, but I don't want to break my rule!

June 27/10~ The Last Days
Author: Joel Rosenberg
Description: Wanna take a guess? Thriller
Rating: 4.5 stars. It was good, just not as good as the last one.

The Princess Adelina
Author:? But you can get it through VisionForum's website.
Description: A "Queen Esther" story. Very, very, very good examples of the virtuous woman.
Rating: 5 stars, though the book was a tad boring in the beginning.

June 23/10~ The Last Jihad
Author: Joel Rosenberg
Description: Excellent thriller. Considering I read it in one night, I mean excellent! Actually, the first thriller I've read, and I plan on reading the rest of the series.
Rating: 5 stars, all the way! *****

April/10~ The Canterbury Tales
Author: Geoffrey Chaucer
Description: A set of tales that were composed on Chaucer's pilgramige to the Canterbury Cathedral.
Rating: 5 stars.

A Midsummer Night's Dream
Author: William Shakespeare
Description: A true comedy, intriguing, and full of good language/rhetoric. It does have a lot of humor, but I think putting on the play makes it come to life even more.
Rating: 5 stars.

The Count of Monte Cristo
Author: Alexandre Dumas
Description: Actually a little on the sad side of things. One of the best books I've read, though.
Rating: Based on my enjoyment level, 4.5 stars. On a written level, I think Dumas is an amazing author, hence 5 stars!