Sierra Mackenzie

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Thanksgiving Hilarity

Chester and Tinky got married the other day:) But you'll see the videos/pics from that next month, where it'll appear on my archive for the next thirty days.

Anyways... Thanksgiving went off without a hitch this year. Huzzah! I promise to be posting pictures from it next month, or when I get a chance. But for now, I'm simply going to be posting quotes from this year's Thanksgiving. The actual list is going into my journal. The quotes are going down here. Without furthur ado, I will be posting Thanksgiving Hilarity, though the eyes of the guests and everyone present at our dinner and throughout our kitchen...

> In the Kitchen

"Sierra makes the best pecan pie, Alexandrea makes the best cherry pie, and Mommy makes the best... chicken!" ~Grace-Hope (chicken meaning turkey.)

(Looking at raw pecan pie sitting in the oven-) "I call it softsy!" ~Grace-Hope

Alexandrea: "Do you want to take a bite of this?"
Grace-Hope: "No, it'll ruin my sweet appetite."

Moi (listening to a beautiful song on the CD player, and dancing, and Shakespeare, who's lines are always through my head anyways...  It's an interesting combination): "This music makes me think of an Elizabethan Ball. I mean an Elizabeth Bennet Ball. I mean Pride and Prejudice!"

"Wow, the stuffing just disappeared!" ~Alexandrea

(Talking about a trip to Disneyland when Alexandrea and I were 5(me) and 2)-
A(to GH): "You weren't even born yet."
S (to A): "Well, you were asleep."
GH: "Oh, I was WAY behind!"
S: "What?!"
GH: "Mom wasn't even born yet!"

"Not without my provisions!" ~Grace-Hope (meaning permission)

(GH videotaping-) "There goes Daddy with that big chicken!"

> At Dinner

"All this for a few minutes of bliss.." ~Laurie

"I'm sitting here wondering how all this pie's going to fit in my tummy!" ~Aunty Muriel

"I only like frozen green beans!" ~An announcement made by Grace-Hope in the most untimely manner.

On Grace-Hope's beloved marshmallow fluff:
Laurie: "It looks like cobwebs..."
Moi: "I know, forget the cotton."

When Mom is giving prizes for our annual Thanksgiving game of Bingo, Aunty Muriel says she doesn't need another lotion (Uncle Bill won earlier), and so Mom presents it to Laurie, with the final exclamation:
Mom: "But you're separate."
Laurie: "Thank you. I'm trying to be."

> And Later...

GH: "You're making me go wizzy-wazzy."
S: "Woozy."
A: "Wishy-Washy."

Enough said. Hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving!