Sierra Mackenzie

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A Twist on Purim

Gracie-Hopie and I were playing with her legos in her room the other day... at least, she was playing with them. I was building. She was playing. She began singing to herself, and I really wasn't paying much attention to exactly what she was singing, until I caught the words: "Your highness I believe there is much to fear... with permission, your highness, I'll tell you how... there are those who can't be trusted! ... Sneaky little families who do sneaky little things, who sneak their sneaky noses into matters of the kings, etc." Finally, I caught on. Any of you ever watched VeggieTales before? I watched this very one (Queen Esther) with Tiffani a few weeks ago, and I remember laughing at this song. But back to my tale...

Grace-Hope then began dancing her little lego people around in a circle, "Okay, now we're going to dance." Now, you have to understand, that at Purim, which happened several months ago, there was a celebration, as normal- with food, story-telling, and dances. So after the afore-mentioned dance, we read the story of Queen Esther- where we, "Hurray!" for Mordecai, "Aw!" for Esther, and a boo and/or hiss when we hear Haman's name mentioned. Two of Grace-Hope's lego-people were dressed as a king and queen, and, as you probably expected, they became King Xerxes, and Haman. Okay, so you didn't expect Haman. Xerxes, and Esther. And Xerxes and Mordecai. So now she started boo-ing when she spoke Haman's name. Etcetera.

Just thought I'd share about how she remembered the festival of Purim!