Sierra Mackenzie

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Set Free

My family recently invested in (for the purpose of science) a small "Lady Bug Land." It was interesting to look at the ladybugs as larvae, and then developing into the beautiful bugs that they turn out to be. We all spent time taking pictures of the different stages, and feeding them raisins when they got out of their old skins. Today, however, we let them go.

We put the little land outside under the olive tree, and left it alone for a few minutes. When we came back, all the ladybugs were gone… except for two, who simply wouldn’t leave their habitat. After about fifteen minutes of coaxing, I managed to get them out. But then another problem arose: one ladybug wouldn’t leave my finger. Even when I swept it across the grass, the lady bug would not leave, but only stopped crawling in what I imagine is a ladybug cringe whenever I nearly pushed it off. Eventually, I found a different ladybug, and deposited my buddy there. Finally, release mission complete!

This little experience reminded me of the parable Jesus told in Matthew 25, when the master gave his three servants five talents. One of those servants invested his five talents, making a total of ten; another invested his as well with similar results. One of those servants was afraid to get out and invest his talents. Our lives, like the ladybugs, are a little like that. Some are afraid to get out and let G-d use us, instead of staying in our own little comfort zone… which, may I remind you, is not a lady-bug land. G-d cannot force us out of our little ‘zone.’ However, we should, to be a light for Him, get out of our comfort zone, and shine for Christ. It is truly, truly worth it.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some ladybugs to check up on!