Sierra Mackenzie

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- Ready, Set -

the year of i can & i will. 
oh hullo. 
you're going to be one surprising year. 

It's about believing, being, doing, becoming. Time to dare greatly and risk dangerously, and step out in faith as I pursue without bounds what He calls me to. More seeking and more questions and maybe more answers. Definitely deepening of love and a hungering heart that ceases to be quenched, and an encompassing giving of all that I am. 

Maybe some more planes, possibly some nostalgia, a decent understanding of growing pains, hard work and gritted teeth, more risk and trust, and hope unfolding. 

I think now more than ever is that time to realize faith with new eyes since I rather know where I'm going, but there are so many unpatched places of growth to come to fruition. Opening to grace, more vision, more bravery to pursue where those signs and the wonder I can sense now; the courage to recognize and listen to His voice. 

Another hundred meals shared with family and dear friends. Another desired opening to Jesus, to what He's placed on my little heart, and what tenderness lessons I can learn from the little things. 

More words, more sharing, more authenticity and beauty as defined by the word itself and not our culture's view of it, more contemplation, more honesty. More adventures. More photos.

And 2016, if you're punctuated with tears and laughter, you'll be perfect. Although- less tears and more laughter would be a wonderful thing. But tears from laughter, I wouldn't mind. 

Here's to you. 
And the next 363 days. 
