Sierra Mackenzie

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Perfection and a Wish.

Marmee gave me a beautiful piece of advice this morning. "One person's perfect is only  their perfect. Don't let  your perfect be dictated by another's perfect... or you will always, always, always be second-best. Let your perfect be dictated by  G-d's perfect. Since He made you perfect for Him, even though you're always learning and growing, you are beautifully created for one purpose. You are perfect for what He created you to do." 

I wish to be always filled with a child-like wonder... at every moment of each blessed day.. 
Innocence is fading fast in all of our culture, and to keep that beautiful freshness in all I see is what I long for. To see days through the eyes of a child, as something new and to be discovered rather than just another...  day. It is so easy to get caught up in the mundane things of life for me. 

Singing Birds Tell us of His Tender Care...
{Look at the birds... Your Heavenly Father feeds these. And you are worth far more valuable to Him than they are. ~Matthew 6:26}

Soft Rains remind us of His Refreshing Grace... 
{I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing. ~Ezekiel 34:26}

Sunny Days Reflect the Light He Brings. 
{I am the Light of the World. Whoever follows Me will have the Light of life. ~John 8:12}

and  all of nature proclaims the hope G-d gives our hearts. 


Article and Photography Copyright of Sierra Brewer and Fresh Joys Photography, 2012. If you would like to use any part of this post, please email me for express permission at Thank you