Sierra Mackenzie

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Sweeping the Streets

Since blogger might be shutting down {due to governmental regulations}, I've been going back through my blog, copying and pasting anything deemed of value to me. It helps that most of my writings have been in my journal; but they're literally all over the place. I need to organize papers, notebooks, etc.- a sentence from here, a quote from there, a picture from three years ago...

Not to sound dramatic or anything, but if the bill gets passed, this may be the last post I'm writing here.
Maybe G-d wants me to focus on my book instead:) But while that's a happy thought, losing this is- to me- horrendous. 

How do I get stuck in a spot like this? I feel completely surrendered, and then- bang!- I might just have to give up blogging.

However, back to the top paragraph. I've been going through posts. And I came across one from October 16th, in 2010. Just a quote. But it means so much. And I needed it- so much- today.

"If it falls your lot to be a street-sweeper, sweep streets like Michaelangelo painted pictures, sweep streets like Beethoven composed music, sweep streets like Leontyne Price sings before the Metropolitan Opera!
Sweep streets- like Shakespeare wrote poetry.
Sweep streets so well so that all the hosts of heaven and earth will have to pause, and say:
"Here lived a great street-sweeper- who swept his job well.'"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.

I really, really like this- because it's so, so easy to forget that everything we do should be a testimony to how much we love G-d... even the "dull, everyday, mundane" things.
And not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but as servants of the Most-High G-d.

Whether or not we are "happy" in whatever G-d has ordained us to do, is our happiness really and truly at stake? If I ever feel frustrated in something I " must" do, all I have to do is think about David. Abraham. Sarah. Ruth. Hadassah {Esther}. Rahab.

I've always felt a special, albeit strange-sounding, kin-ship with Ruth and Hadassah.  
Both of them- knew that life was uncertain.
Hadassah knew that any moment might be her last.
But she lived it anyway.
I started writing a song/poem the other day... based on this principle.  One of the lines say,
And I am reaching for the past instead of living in the moment
of each hour
in each day.

But there You stand and wait f or me
Distracted though I am.
Keep me always in Your arms,
This is true Divine romance...

You are my Shepherd and I love You
You are the vine...
I feel You give me an embrace
Whisper, "Daughter, you are Mine."

No matter what I say, in everything I do- I want my life to be a reflection of His love.
Whatever He calls me to do.
Be it a street-sweeper.
Be it a missionary.
Be it something beyond my wildest dreams.

Because it is the desire of my heart to hear those seven simple words:
"Well done, My good and faithful servant."

 Article and Pictures Copyright of Sierra Brewer, 2012. If you wish to use, kindly contact Thank you.